Saturday, 28 March 2020

Play Along - Can't Help Falling in Love with You

Ok gang. Silver lining of Covid19 - have taught myself how to pick notes on uke and basics of GarageBand - woot!

This is a bit of an experiment - I've recorded melody and picking lines for this Elvis tune separately in GB, as well as together. So whether you're a budding fingerpicker or chorder, you can solo on this tune.

Since it's a pretty familiar tune, I will post some kind of short form for chords and notes.

(Did you know GB has a built in tuner and metronome? :O And convert audio to midi in order to output sheet music - haven't got that far yet...). Links to mp3s below.

Why this tune - I've been fond of the Eddie Vedder uke album for a while. In an online video, he talks about being first drawn to ukulele by a man who played a dynamite version of this song. And my mom loved Elvis. And in pics of my dad when he was a young man, he looked a bit like Elvis. Many reasons.

My version is not nearly dynamite, but it's an all right playalong test. (Try to ignore the weird shushing background noise on the picking line- sorry. Next day note - i have re-recorded this track at lower input level. Still hissy. It's passable if you turn down volume in player window. I have recorded strumming to melody line before, but i think i recorded on phone, and listened to strumming on headphones on computer. The hiss I guess is doing both thru computer. Will fix next time.)   :)

Can't Help, chord & pick 

Can't Help, chords only

Can't Help, picked melody line only

Strum Line - Chord Map


D, F#m, Bm, G, D, A
G, A7, Bm, Em, D, A, D, (A7 turnaround)


F3m, C#7, F#m, C#7, F#m, B7, Em, A7

Picked Line - Tune (lowest G string tuned to low G)

Note names (go for it, play without a staff!)



Chorus (Sheet music in pic below is from )

C# F# C#AB, C# F# C#AB, C# F# C#AB, AA F#AF#G

* You can play along with same chords and notes on guitar as well

Sheet music,