This is a slightly longer program for beginning stringed instrument players. To keep kids going thru a few more weeks of winter.
Virtual, Zoom-based for families trying to keep distant from face to face learning during pandemic until the weather warms up and there can be more outside interaction.
It's colour-coded, coordinated to desk bells for frame of reference.
Can be used for ukulele or guitar.
It's also important for new (especially young) learners to work on finger strength, so each lesson 30 minute lesson dedicates 10 minutes to a fine motor activity. The two methods used here are clay play (with plasticine) and forming coloured yarn strands. I've created an online album that shows a map (overview or flow) of the program. Click HERE for the online album for the 7 -week course.
Materials needed: uke (or guitar), plasticine, clear plastic page sleeve, small balls of red, green & blue yarn, lucet or yarn corker. (If you are local to me and can arrange to pick up, I can provide you with most of these material. You will need your own instrument.)
Here's of guideline of the content for each day:
Day 1. Learn what a scale is. Finger warmup - Plasticine string snakes. Learn what a scale is. Watch video of 'Doe a Deer' from Sound of Music (link to in on YouTube HERE). Look at set of bells to see where notes/colours of C major scale fall on a staff. Find corresponding notes on open strings (important for tuning). Sing/play Doe a Deer picking tonic note.
Day 2. Strings & tuning. Finger warmup - plasticine - start clay dot art piece (will continue working on this in next lesson). Review Doe a deer song. Tune ukes to note names. Review at bell colour notes on staff. Find corresponding notes on uke fretboard. Isolate arpeggio (1, 3 & 5 notes). Prepares the ear for these notes together forming a chord.
Day 3. Find all 7 notes of scale on uke. Finger warmup - plasticine - clay art piece. Look at bells against a piano keyboard. This shows that not all notes have a half tone between them. On uke/guitar, this shows how most notes have 2 frets between them, but some are just 1 fret apart0. Student don't have to memorize this, just be aware of it. Find corresponding notes on uke fretboard. Play Doe a Deer using all notes.
Day 4. Form C chord. Finger warmup - make red lace representing C note. On uke - go up and down scale. Review arpeggio. (Can look at arpeggio song from Aristocats. Link to 'Scales & Arpeggios Song on YouTube is HERE.) Form C chord. Play silly 1-chord song. Vary rhythm. Try pluck, then strum pattern.
Day 5. Form partial F chord. Warmup - make yellow lace for E note. On uke - review arpeggio. Students are encouraged to manipulate yarn with the left hand (or less natural hand) as well as this will strengthen the chording fingers (alternately string plucking fingers). Play 2-chord song, Row your boat from Kids Uke book.
Day 6. Form partial G chord. Warmup - make blue G lace. Braid 3 laces together. This becomes a physical representation of the 3 notes together in a chord.. What a chord 'looks' like. On uke - review arpeggio. Form part G chord. (Try walking fingers analogy for how to play fingers. Gives students chord is more than 1 finger. If this is too hard, do 1 finger G7 chord). Play 3-chord song, Twinkle little star from Kids Uke book.
Day 7. New 3 chord song. Review relevant learnings to day. Introduce song such as On Top of Old Smokey (orig lyrics are refreshing. Revert to On Top of Spaghetti for fun.) With these 3 chords, new players can play a huge range of folk or pop songs.
Lessons aim to be 30 minutes long. I will tend to go slightly over to have a song to takeaway, rather than go strictly by the clock.
Cost: $20 per lesson. I can work out a deal for 2 or 3 children from 1 family or location on screen at same time. Total: $140 ($20x7). I'm offering the Pandemic Survivor discount on this program of 1 free lesson, which is $20 off). So Pandemic Survivor deal is $120 in total. I can take etransfer or cash. Payment for this package is due at start of first lesson. Please give 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule.
This is a rough outline. We can cover more or less info than indicated depending on interest level. (It's not a race. Getting thru it faster isn't the goal here. ) But we'll end up at the same spot by last lesson.
Hope that helps. Send me a message at email bottom of blog for more info. You can also reach out by DM on my FB, Instagram of Twitter pages.
Stay well, everyone. Six more weeks until spring. We got this!