Sunday, 10 October 2021

Mystery Object - 1, b3, 4, b5, 5, b7

One of my guitar students has happily taken me down a path I didn't pay enough attention to in the past - scales.

We've been reviewing major & harmonic minor scales with the goal of setting foundations for the Blues scale.

Which is basically a pentatonic minor scale with an added flatted (b as symbol) 5, so b5.

We went slowly along the low e string in a strictly linear way. And it occurred to me that the played frets could be beads on a string, the unplayed frets (or semi-tones) could be knots. Put the single different colour bead in for the b5.

That gives 1, b3, 4, b5, 5, b7 (8) to represent the hexatonic blues  scale. If you remember to take out the b5, it also shows your minor pentatonic scale.

When she tied it on like a bracelet, we realized we needed to indicate the starting point for the bead scale. At the time we put a different coloured knot on it.  But later i remembered i had these music symbol charms, and that a treble clef could  show where to start.

So there you have it - Blues scale visualization memory aid bracelet! Catchier title - Blues Scale Bracelet.

Pat self on back - job done :D

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